Monday, February 9, 2015

Troy Gunasekera - Branch Manager of the Property Club

I'm Troy Gunasekera, a Melbourne-based branch manager and national manager of the Property Club. Today, my role as national manager encompasses assisting, mentoring the Property mentors and branch managers through the process, how we support our members, how we deal with queries that arise, assisting on the marketing side of things. I write a blog every week with Kevin. Kevin writes his blog, I write my blog. I'm an immediate contact, I assist with PR to be put out and work with club members.

The satisfaction I get out of working at Property Club is really the success that many members get, the assistance that my wife and I got through the process. It's so good to see them multiply many times over that many club members through the process, the support and assistance they get towards to getting a better retirement at end. At the end of the day, that level of financial independence down the track is just fantastic.

The future of Property Club, where I see it going along with Kevin Young, Kathy, Phil and the rest of the branch manager team, we're going to continue innovating when we can or really continue to push the boundaries and see how we can assist members and reward them and support them more importantly throughout their investing process. It's really important to us and the ongoing support is something we've been so proud of over the last 21 years and will continue for many, many years to come.

Our Property Profiles that I put together on to a minimum of 20 pages. They cover things like site plans, wall plans, location appraisals, comparison appraisals, we look at comparative sales in the streets, suburban area, comparative rentals in the street suburban area and really give a lot of information so people can be totally comfortable but really understand how close it is to local employment hubs, transport and a lot more things like that.

We've also have implemented a really unique system called the Star Riding System. It's like if someone is to buy a car and the primary thing they wanted to look at when they're purchasing a car is safety. If safety is number 1, then really the looks, the color or the other things, they're sort of secondary to safety. Likewise with that, we've put together a Property Club Star Riding Panel and we write them internally, objectively to look at what it's built and made up, how close it is to local transport and infrastructure, how it compares to other developments, properties in the streets suburban area.

The support the members receive when they're going through the process is really, really important. One of the most important thing is the numbers analysis and understanding how the numbers actually work when you're holding a property. Some people already have one or two properties. It's important to draw a line in the same, understand how much those properties are costing to hold. Then if another was to be added to that, as to what that would do to the numbers, how the numbers would be changed and what they would be. We see a member go through the process until they are able to explain the numbers to us. Once members explain the numbers to us, then we know that you'd get them and we're able to assist you through that process. 

Contact Property Club for more info.

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